EARTH 10 – for Teachers (Introduction)

Planning the sessions using the online lessons:

Classes can follow online lessons, with each lesson having the content of a lesson – a chapter, on a second slide. Most courses have them clearly marked, so a longer lesson can be divided into 2-3 lessons, for example.
Level 1 introductory lessons are approx. 10 to 20 minutes long and level 2 lessons with deeper knowledge are approx. 45 minutes.
Online courses are originally based on ppt files and therefore teachers can also use these PowerPoint presentations if they ask them from the organization – partner of the ACTeco platform. The teacher can prepare the lessons with presentations, which he / she can supplement with his / her own slides, and online lessons can then be used for home repetition.
It is recommended to combine online lessons with practical tasks. You can find a list of exercises below on this page.

Engage: Take an issue that provokes thought and interest. (by lesson topic) For example:
Explore: Take advantage of some hands-on demonstrations. Or a touch experience.
Explain: Use the online lesson in this section
Elaborate: Start a discussion with questions in some part of the lesson, or give students a group exercise.
Evaluate: Summarize the essence of the lesson, use questions or exercises. Let students evaluate what they understand and what they don’t. For example, you can also use a worksheet for the last two sections.

Explanation of lessons and levels:

Online lessons are interactive, with exercises, practice questions and videos.
The lessons are identical to the training units that have been developed in previous European projects on the topic, together with the learning outcomes for higher levels 3-5 and in accordance with the EQF. (
For ACTeco, these units are specially prepared in two lower qualification levels, 1st and 2nd, to be suitable for the general public and for pupils or students:
Level 1 lessons are approximately 10 minutes long – basic, introductory, and show mostly good examples of applied techniques.
Level 2 lessons show and explain the issue to secondary and secondary vocational schools. Lessons are about 45 minutes. These lessons, when they are supplemented with full-time and practical teaching at vocational schools, lead to level 3.
A lesson with test knowledge questions can be helpful for the teacher or can be used directly as a knowledge test in class. It can also be used as an exercise if the teacher divides the students into pairs / triplets, where the students work together to choose the right answers.

Learning objectives:

Goals of the lessons you will always find with the individual lessons. However here they are all gathered together:

EARTH 01 – Physics of Earth (Introduction)

  • to be able to name the different grains that make up earth
  • become aware of the importance of the 3 phases: solid, liquid, gas, in earth mechanical resistance
  • to be able to briefly explain “how it works?”.
EARTH BUILDING 02 – Earthen Construction Techniques (Level 2)EARTH 02 – Earthen Architecture (Introduction)
  • to list 5 old or contemporary buildings built in earth around the world
  • to list 5 architectural functions that earth can fulfill
  • to explain which kinds of earthen construction are present on all populated continents

EARTH 03 – Earth Masonry (Introduction)

  • to have an idea how old the earth masonry is
  • to know examples of using earth bricks in new buildings
  • to explain advantages of using earth bricks

EARTH 04 – Cob (Introduction)

  • to have an idea what cob means
  • to see that cob can be used to build contemporary houses

EARTH 05 – Rammed Earth (Introduction)

  • to have an idea what rammed earth means
  • to know some examples of rammed earth in traditional and new buildings
  • to name new trends

EARTH 06 – Earth Plaster (Introduction)

  • to understand what earth plaster is
  • to name some advantages and disadvantages
  • to know examples of where earth plaster can be used

EARTH 07 – Interior Design (Introduction)

  • to be aware of different colours of earth plaster and possibility of their modification with natural and synthetic pigments
  • to know possibilities of decorative surfaces and decorative aditives to plasters
  • to explain the main principle how the light or dark colour influences perception of the room

EARTH 08 – Decorative Techniques (Introduction)

  • to know, there are earth decorations worldwide
  • to know, there is difference between natural and modified colours of earth
  • to name several possibilities of earth plaster decorations

You can find learning outcomes for the higher level 3,4,5 on the page

Activities, practical exercises and worksheets

Activities that complement theoretical education, will be added in near future.


KEABLE,J, KEABLE,R Rammed Earth Structures, A Code of Practice, Practical Action Publishing, 2011, ISBN-13: 978 1853397271, English language
MINKE,G, Building with Earth Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture, Birkhäuser – Publishers for Architecture, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-3-7643-7477-8 ISBN-10: 3-7643-7477-29, English language
MINKE,G, Earth Construction Handbook:The Building Material Earth in Modern Architecture, WIT Press, 2000, ISBN 1853128058, 9781853128059, English language
Schroeder, Horst, Sustainable Building with Earth 1st ed, Springer, 2016ISBN-10 : 3319194909, ISBN-13 : 978-3319194905, English language 

Yutube channel: amàco – English channel

Links: – website for trainers

Powerpoint presentations:
To obtain ppts contact partners of ACTeco project.

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