German l,”SCHROEDER,H”,Lehmbau,Mit Lehm ökologisch planen und bauen,Springer Vieweg,,2018,ISBN-13 : 978-3658231200, “up-to-date overview of the entire topic, ecological aspects, taking in account new earth building norms”,
German l,”FROMME,I, HERZ,U”,Lehm-und Kalkputze,”Mörtel herstellen, Wände verputzen, Oberflächen gestalten”,ökobuch,,2012,ISBN-13: 978-3936896589, plasters
French l.,”MORISET, JOFFROY, BEGUIN, GUILLAUD, MISSE, POINTET”,Réhabiliter le pisé: vers des pratiques adaptées,,Actes Sud,,2018,ISBN 978-2-330-09258-0,First full book on how to repair and renovate rammed earth buildings. 264 pages,264 pages
French l., CRAterre,Construire en pisé,Prescriptions de dimensionnement et de mise en œuvre,Le Moniteur,2020,ISBN 978-2-281-14380-5, Specifications for rammed earth construction,
French l., Collective, Guides des bonnes pratiques,”Briques, pisé, enduits, bauge, torchis, terre allégée”,Collective,2018,not published, Good Practice Guides on Earthen Construction Techniques, Available for free online download on the websites of the author associations.
French i.,”DETHIER, J”,Habiter la terre,”L’art de bâtir en terre crue : traditions, modernité et avenir”,Flammarion,,2019,ISBN : 9782081442818, Illustrated book of old and contemporary earthen buildings,
French l.,”HOUBEN, H – GUILLAUD, H”,Traité de construction en terre,/,Parenthèses,,2020,ISBN 2-86364-161-1,Practical and didactic manual on raw earth construction,
French l.,”FONTAINE, L – ANGER, R”,Bâtir en terre,Du grain de sable à l’architecture,Belin,,2019,ISBN : 978-2-7011-5204-2, scientific approach on raw earth and construction,
English l.,”KEABLE,J, KEABLE,R”,Rammed Earth Structures,A Code of Practice,Practical Action Publishing,,2011,ISBN-13: 978-1853397271, rammed earth,
Czech l.,”MINKE,G”,Příručka hliněného stavitelství,Materiály-Technológie-Architektúra,Pagoda,,2009,ISBN 978-80-96969-82-1
This is a sellection of literature, reccomended by ACT eco partners, and therefore also language sources are limited to partner countries. However, this list will be open to growing.