EARTH – 9 Lessons (Introduction)
ACTeco course with 9 introduction lessons with basic infomation and beautiful examples of Earth building techniques: earth architecture, rammed earth, masonry, cob, earth plasters and decorations, as well as interior design.

EARTH 01 – Physics of Earth (Introduction)
ACTeco, 20 to 30 minute course is an introduction to the physics of earth. On the sand and clay grain scale, discover “how it stands”.

EARTH 02 – Earthen Architecture (Introduction)
ACTeco 20 minutes course, is an introduction to earthen architecture. It will enable you to discover some historical and contemporary buildings built in earth.

EARTH 03 – Earth Masonry (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course shows how and why it is good to use earth bricks in new buildings. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 04 – Cob (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course will introduce you to the principle of cob technique, its properties and will show examples of cob houses. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 05 – Rammed Earth (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course about rammed earth will show you examples of modern buildings, how a rammed wall is made and what the trends are. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 06 – Earth Plaster (Introduction)
ACTeco 10 minute course about basics of earth plaster, nice examples and what its advantages and disadvantages are. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 07 – Interior Design (Introduction)
ACTeco 10 minute course shows how to think about colours and surfaces of earth plasters in the interior to achieve desired feeling. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 08 – Decorative Techniques (Introduction)
ACTeco 10-minute course shows wonderfull decorations in the world cultures and possibilities of earth decorations in modern houses. (ECVET knowledge level 1)

EARTH 09 – Production (Introduction)
ACTeco 15 min course briefly shows 3 main different ways to produce earth blocks: handmade adobe, pressed bricks and extruded bricks.

EARTH BUILDING – 10 Lessons (Level 2)
ACTeco course consists of 10 different Lessons 45 min long: Earth Material, Earth Constructions, Rammed Earth, Cob, Masonry, Earth Plaster, Earth Design and Decorations, Renovation and Production.

EARTH BUILDING 01 – Material (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course teaches why earth is suitable for building purposes, which basic qualities it has and how to use field tests. Did you know that for each building technique you need a different mixture?

EARTH BUILDING 02 – Earthen Construction Techniques (Level 2)
ACTeco 20-minute course briefly introduces the different earthen construction techniques. Find out what is behind the words: adobe, rammed earth, cob, daub, etc.

EARTH BUILDING 03 – Earth Masonry (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows history vs. today’s use of earth masonry, types of masonry, bonding, working process, surfaces of brick walls, vaults and domes. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 04 – Cob (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows traditional and contemporary methods of cob, preparation of cob mix and building of the wall. Discover creative designs and properties of cob! (Learn Earth based on ECVET – knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 05 – Rammed Earth (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course teaches about new and traditional use, what raw materials and mixture for rammed earth to use. The course also shows formwork, process of ramming and development trends. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 06 – Earth Plaster (Level 2)
ACTeco 45 minute course about composition of earth plaster, preparation of mortar, layers of plaster, surface treatment and properties. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 07 – Interior Design (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows theory of colours connected to earth, the possibilities of textures and factures of earth plaster and gives basic insight into Interior design. (ECVET knowledge level 2)

EARTH BUILDING 08 – Decorative Techniques (Level 2)
ACTeco 45-minute course shows decorations of different cultures, different colours of the earth and various decorations by earth building techniques and earth plastering. (ECVET knowledge level 2)