If you want to register, please look here for possibilities how to join the STEP Training.
This course is also available in German.
Content: handling tools, plan & construct INFILL double post walls, HYBRID constructions (CUT, OrganiCUT, GREB), execute different infill construction methods, know about PREFAB straw bale elements and advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques.
After completing this course, trainees can
- handle tools and machines for load-bearing straw bale construction
- assess the hazards and take steps to avoid them
- apply the different Ioad-bearing construction methods and resize, compress and fix bales
- explain different ways of load-bearing techniques and their advantages and disadvantages
- inspect and select good quality straw bales
- check the general quality of bales and of completed constructions during the whole building process
LINK to the handbook (PDF) / All dates and details
Materials/Documents: U2 Learning Outcome – Level 3 | ECVET credit points: 25 U2 Learning Outcome – Level 4 | ECVET credit points: 20 Handbuch/Handbook: U2 Handbuch DE (PDF) U2 Handbook EN (PDF) Time Schedule: Monday, 12-17:00: Introduction, Welcome, Construction Systems, Construction Plan (start*) Tuesday: 9:00-12:00: Construction Plan, Building Details, Sketchup 14:00-17:00: Infill Constructions Wednesday: 9:00-12:00: Hybrid Constructions (CUT, Organicut, Greb) 14:00-17:00: Prefab & Modules Thursday April 2nd 9:00-12:00: Excercise Sketchup (2nd part*) + Presentations 14-17:00: Timber Constructions, Structural Integrity, Quiz (Ing. Viktor Gach) Friday 9:00-12:00: Building Law(s), Questions & Answers, Final Assessment